Monday 2 May 2016

Hey guys today i am going to tell you why you should save a girl child. Have you ever imagined a world without them ? “Save the Girl Child” is a social initiative in India to fight against the practice of female foeticide. Our government has taken many steps to save a girl child.

According to me female foeticide is both a national problem and a social evil. It’s unbelievable that the urge for a someone to kill the yet to be born(a girl). Without a women we cannot take a society forward. Without them our society will come to an end soon.

People prefer boys more than girls but this is not right . Actually boys only do not look after their parents but girls also. Women perform various roles in a family, so saving them leads to the progress of the family.

After all who can forget the great indian women like Kiren Bedi , Sonia Gandhi , Kalpana Chawla and many others. Women have now truely shown their worth.
Our present Prime Minister has requested every section of the society to give whole hearted support to theBeti Bachao, Beti Padhao abhiyan (initiative). ‘Beti Bachao’ means ‘save girl child’ and ‘Beth Padhao’ means ‘educate the girl child'.

According to me boys are as equal as girls. We should learn from other countries their value of equality to all their citizens.

Here are the reasons for gender discrimination in India to women :-
  • Low position of women: Women have been subjected to injustice since ages. Some people feel that the birth of girl child may lower their status in the society. There is an extreme desire for boy-child among some sections of our society(especially rural areas).
  • Extreme poverty: People who live in extreme poor condition often think that the girl child would cause more economic hardship to them. The social evil of dowry system further worsens the situation.Some people think that she is a burden.
  • Illiteracy: Illiteracy is the leading of all social evils. Illiterate people are ignorant people, and not able to judge their actions in the right perspective.
India is growing dynamically in every fields. Today, the boom in economy, innovative technologies and improved infrastructure has become nation’s pride. The country has witnessed advancements in all fields but bias against a girl child is still prevailing in the country.

This social evil of killing the Indian girl child continues in India from years. Female feoticide and infanticide is not the only issues with a girl child in India. At every stage of life she is discriminated and neglected for basic nutrition, education and living standard. 

The nation of mothers(INDIA) still follows a culture where people idolizes son and mourns daughters. UN figures out that about 750,000 girls are aborted every year in India.


By :- Amandeep Singh

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